Do you suffer from – Fear, of Loss, Failure and Rejection

How many times do we hold ourselves back from starting a fitness journey, or buying a dress, or a suit, or even starting a dream business we have always wanted to start and we end up holding our selves back. Saying to ourselves “oh I will never be an exercise person” or “I will always be big boned” or “I am not good enough or smart enough for that business idea” or “that girl or boy we are interested in is probably taken.” I mean cmon seriously, we are going to hold ourselves back based on our past experiences or limited beliefs or just because we were never taught something when growing up so now as adults we continue to live this way?

Fear of loss, rejection, or failure is the biggest root to all regrets only to live a life we end up regretting.

Human beings are a collective total of what they know, their beliefs, and their experiences. This is good news because we are only as good as what we know or believe. And this can be changed anytime you decided to be something better. For instance as part of the best personal training team in Tribeca NYC and jersey city and now in Toronto we help people shift their paradigm from things that have learned but no longer serves them. We will pick exercise. How many times have you heard someone say “I am just not an exercise person” or a “workout person.”

Well news flash exercise is a learned behavior. Meaning you can learn it anytime! That’s the great part! And if you accept that it’s not going to be an easy road then even better! Most of the stress comes from our pursuit of a perfect action or a perfect result! Bo such thing! When you realize that we are all students and can learn anything and let go of this false belief that everything has to be perfect and yield a perfect result all the pressure drops!

Real growth happens when you are uncomfortable and have accepted that no action will yield a perfect result. So you might as well start!

And here is the YouTube link for the matching video

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