Top Five Exercises Recommended by Personal Trainer

As we age, we realize the value of a fit and healthy lifestyle. We can’t turn back the clock, but we can create a workout regime to improve our life quality.

When you are out of shape, it might feel challenging to lose those extra pounds and tone your body. It is where the personal Trainer will come to your rescue. Whether you are looking for the answer to how to lose mommy belly fast or exercises to build your glutes, they will guide you towards your goal.

We bring you the top five exercises recommended by the best personal Trainer in Tribeca, NYC.

  • Deadlift

Many personal trainers consider the deadlift the top exercise for every workout regime. It is among the ten best exercises to build your glutes at home that requires hip hinge movement. Moreover, it teaches you how to move while bracing your core and protecting your spine. Thus, it promotes strong core and spine health.

  • Planks

Are you wondering how to lose mommy belly fast? Add planks to your workout. It engages multiple muscles simultaneously and thus is one of the most effective exercises to burn calories. It burns fat around your abdominal area and benefits your body’s core strength. Typically, there are three variations of planks:

  1. Standard plank
  2. Side plank
  3. Straight arm plank

You can incorporate the plank variations mentioned above in your workout routine to burn more calories.

  • Squat

Squats are a classic among the ten best exercises to build your glutes at home. You can make it as versatile and as challenging as you want. Numerous variations of squats include:

  1. Suitcase squat: with weight held at each side of the body
  2. Goblet squat: at the chest
  3. Overhead
  4. With barbell

Squats work your glutes, hip flexors, quads, and hamstrings. It is not only a compound movement but also considered the base for strength training.

  • Burpees

Burpees are one of the most instructed exercises by the best personal trainer in Jersey City. They work out about every part of your body. As per research, high-intensity exercise such as burpees can burn up to 50% more fat than any other form of moderate exercise.

Burpees boost your metabolism and thus help you to burn more calories throughout the day.

  • Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell exercises have become a rage in the fitness world, especially kettlebell swings. It is a complete body exercise that creates an explosive movement using the upper body, glutes, hamstring, core, and hips.

As per personal trainers, a kettlebell swing is a great exercise to do cardio while strengthing your posterior chin (the back of your body)

Wrapping Up

A personal trainer will guide you to effective exercise if you want to lose belly fat or build glute strength. Above are some of the most suggested exercise by the top personal Trainer. For better assistance, hire one today.

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