Two Easy Exercises for Women to Lose Back Fat and Tone Up Fast

Most of our female clients in Jersey city, Tribeca NYC come to us for fat loss and muscle toning. The areas they frequently complain about is back fat, arm fat, belly fat and cellulite. For the purpose of this video we will focus on exercises that help tone up the upper back, side upper back, chest area, and the back of the arms where women hold fat deposits. Now these exercises are designed for our jersey city, Tribeca NYC and our 20 minutes online strength training for beginners workout programs. They are for beginner to intermediate level strength.

Some of the issues our personal trainers in jersey city and in tribeca help our female clients with are below-

1. Weight loss/ fat loss

2. To tone up and lean out

3. Lack of time and need for an efficient workout due to professional & family obligations

Exercises demonstrated-

1. Resistance band rows.

Works the upper back muscles around the shoulder blades, posterior deltoids known as the back of the shoulders, biceps, and core as the core has to be in a stable position. Pace should be in a controlled manner as muscle responds to time under tension and you feel the mind muscle connection.

2. Modified or regular pushups

Works the chest, triceps the back of the arms and the front of the shoulders known as the anterior deltoids. Tones and strengthens the front of the body. While holding the core stable and engaging the abs. Great exercise.

3. Dips

Works the back of the arms, tricep muscle, and some shoulder tension. Great exercise to tone up the back of the arms.

4. Planks

Works the entire core provided you keep the abdominals engaged and stable. Start off with 30 to 45 seconds if you are a beginner to intermediate level strength training individual. Form is key.

These are some of the upper body strength training and toning exercises we use for our bridal fitness clients when they approach our personal trainer in jersey city and tribeca nyc.

To re-cap every exercise has to be done with the following principles-

1. Mind muscle connection- meaning are you actually feeling the right muscles you want to strengthen tone up. For instance with the seated rows you want to engage your shoulder blade area and the muscles around it.

2. With the pushups- you want to engage your chest region, triceps, and shoulders while keeping your core stable at all times.

3. Principle # 3 is time under tension.

This means taking your time in a controlled manner and pulling and pushing your exercises in a two second count. This will keep your muscles engaged a longer time vs just doing it fast and going through the motions.

Personal trainer jersey city and personal trainer tribeca nyc, personal trainer toronto program focuses on thirty minute workouts for beginner to strength training and weight loss.

Click on the link to schedule a diagnosis or an assessment if you are looking for online fitness coaching and personal training for your muscle strength training and weight loss goals for your wedding.

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