After 12 years of professional coaching we at Own Your Fitness still get asked why do some people train, what their secrets to staying disciplned in the gym, and how the majority of the people have a challenge staying true to that discipline?

The best way for me to explain that is the mindset, the paradigm, and the perspective. When we teach our clients to squat, to do a proper push ups, to grow stronger, fitter, and more toned, we are approaching with the simple truth- That exercise, fitness, personal training is to become a more empowered, improved, sharper version of yourself. Meaning, what happens in the gym will yeild dividends in the outside world. It makes a person more confident, increases self esteem, stimulates endorphines, dopamines, serotonins- all positive happy hormones, increases muscle mass- if strength training is applied! Exercise, weightloss has been the first stop, the first aspect a human being relies on to feel happier, better after a personal, professional, relationship challenge. And that is simply because human beings want to feel good and look good. Through that process we become a better version of our selves.

Go do your pushups!


personal training, h.i.i.t me, 33 hudson st jersey city, Tribeca, Manhattan, NYC




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