Online Personal Trainer by Own your Fitness in Jersey City, Tribecca, NYC, Hoboken, Montclair, and Toronto

With the recent new normal more and more people are struggling to stay in shape. With the change from gym workouts to home workouts, a lot of people still are left confused as to if muscle mass can be built at home with home workouts and if the body fat can be dropped and burned safely without the help of the treadmill. The answer to that is positive and 100 % YES! With an online personal trainer, this is totally possible as an online personal trainer will coach you on how to work out and build muscle at home while burning belly fat.

In order to buid muscle mass resistance training and consistency are the two of the most important factors. This can easily be done at home safely and soundly without stepping into a crowded gym.

key factors when on the path the build muscle mass are-

  1. Compound exercises such as – single leg squats, pushups, resistance bands as we use here at own your fitness personal training with our online personal trainer program-
  2. With the online personal trainer program with own your fitness you are a 100 % guaranteed to get the best workouts while you are safe at home and away from crowded gyms.

Here are a few principles we at own your fitness focus on when we do our online personal trainer sessions for our clients-

A. Mind muscle connection- this means every exercise you do would be with the purpose of building and toning that particular muscle group and body part. So when you do a pushup you should only at best as possible feel it in the

pecs. here is tutorial for this concept

B. When you want to build your glutes you only want to feel the glute muscle when you do bridges. Here are some video examples-

or this one-

C. Third principle is consistency- a minimum of three strength training sessions with the intention to feel that muscle should be done/ week.This is the simplest and easiest method to safely and effectively do your training, build muscle and get in shape at home. This is never a problem with the own your fitness online personal trainer program as working out from home is more convenient and also saves you more time.

In order to book your online personal trainer workouts contact own your fitness today at

or contact your fitness at 646 653 4696 to work with an online personal trainer today.

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