Can online fitness training be effective to get better glutes?

The world has come to a standstill due to the coronavirus outbreak. People try to stay at home most of the time to protect themselves, their families, and friends. During this challenging time, people found lots of ways to stay healthy. A lot of people are frightened to lose the progress they have made on their fitness goals. Generally, people eat a lot more when they are at home and lose the motivation to exercise regularly.  However, the one best thing that helps you stay fit and healthy is glute workout at home.

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.”

Here are some important glute workouts that you can do at home by taking online classes from the best fitness coach in Jersey City to keep yourself in shape. Have a look:


It is an easy and excellent exercise to work your glutes. You need to lower your body for a standard squat until your knee angle is at 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel with the floor. While exercising, make sure your core is engaged, and your glutes are tight. The movement of your hips should be like you sit back into a chair. You can quickly improve your functional capabilities and strengthen your bottom line with the help of this exercise.       


Lunges are the best and most popular butt exercise. Stand with your feet staggered, one foot forward and one foot back. Always ensure that your core is placed in, and the body is upright and straight. Bend both knees and lunge straight down, and then send your back knee towards the floor. Press into your heel to stand and repeat for q to 3 sets of 12 to 16 reps.  

Donkey Kickbacks

If you are looking for an exercise to tighten your rear end, look no further than the donkey kick. It is the perfect exercise that works for your glutes, and you can easily learn it online. First of all, bend one leg and kick backward, and don’t forget that it is very important to keep your core engaged. Squeeze your glutes in and perform the exercise in small pulses to make it more challenging.   

Side leg raise with kicks

This perfect exercise works really well for your hips. You can use a chair for better support and leave it as your legs get stronger. Lean your leg sideways as high as you can until you feel the burn in your glutes and hips.

Wide leg sumo squat

It is the best workout for your inner thighs. First of all, keep your legs wide apart and your back straight, and then do a simple squat. To get an extra burn to your inner thighs, you can do this exercise in small pulses.

Strengthening the glutes will help develop a better overall physique as well as confidence.  With appropriate online glute workout training, you can easily get a killer booty.

If you want to know more about glute exercises, just hire the best and highly experienced fitness coach in Jersey City andget online glute workout training!

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