Best Stretching Exercises That You Need To Do For Your Body!

We all know that everyone has a different opinion on stretching exercises. But according to us, stretch or don’t stretch; just make some moves before your workout, and you will be better prepared for any type of exercise. Whether it is weight lifting or playing games, the most important key is moving in a similar way when you do an activity.

This means your tendons, ligaments, and muscles are activated more functionally, and you can lift more weight, generate more power, and reduce hurting yourself and cursing another missed warmup.

People always want to know the best stretch for their body, and by hiring a personal trainer in NYC, they can fulfill that demand.

Professional personal fitness trainers help you achieve fitness goals. They tell everything about stretching exercises to make your body fit and healthy.

Below are some wonderful stretching exercises that target the hips, anklets, thoracic spine, and other areas of your body to make your body good to go. Have a look:

Part 1: Walking High Knee Hug

Why is it good to consider?

This exercise helps stretch your glutes and demands over 90-degrees of hip flexion. It has a range of motions that challenges desk-jockeys.

How to do it?

First of all, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. With your right leg, take a step forward, bend your knee, and lean forward slightly at your hips. Lift your right knee towards your chest, holding it with both hands just under your kneecap. Then pull it as near to the middle of your chest as you can while you stand up.

Then release your right leg and start with the left leg.

Part 2: Spiderman

Why is it good to consider?

It helps to mobilize your legs and groin area.

How to do it?

Maintain your balance on your left leg and step forwards and outwards at a 30-degree angle with your right leg. Then gently lower your body until your front knee is bent 90-degrees.

Keep your legs in the lunge positions and back straight, twist forward, and touch the surface with the help of both your hands.

Part 3: Overhead reach

Why is it good to consider?

It activates your thoracic spine, stretches your chest, and mobilizes your core.

How to do it?

Keep your right hand close to your right instep and then open and rotate your torso and reach overhead with your left arm until it is straight. Then turn back your left arm to the ground.

Step 4: Hip raise

Why is it good to consider?

It helps to stretch the hamstrings.

How to do it?

Keep your right knee at 90-degrees, then back knee grazing the floor, and both hands touching the surface with your arms at close to 90-degree. Then, push your arms, rock back, and straighten your front and back legs.

Then step forward and do the exercise on the left side.

Wrap up:

In addition to these stretching exercises, if you want to know more about other exercises, then contact us to hire a certified personal trainer in Toronto.

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