Motivation: The Key Element of Stretching and Fitness

Does your job demand you to sit hours behind a desk? Are you suffering from a stiff back? Most of you will answer the question with a big YES. Due to our busy schedule and hectic lifestyle, we often tend to overlook our health.

The personal trainer in Jersey City will include a 5 minutes stretching exercise in your training program. It will focus on your tension headache, neck pain, and the lower part of your spine.

Benefits of stretching exercise 

If you share with your personal trainer in Tribeca, NYC that you are suffering from backache. In that case, he will recommend you to proceed with stretching exercise as it offers numerous benefits such as:

  • Improve your flexibility
  • Improve your physical performance
  • Lowers the risk of injury
  • Improve your joint movement
  • Enables the efficient working of your muscles

The essentials of stretching

Let’s look at some of the essentials and tips for stretching as shared by the top personal trainer in Yorkville, Toronto.

  • Stretching is not a warm-up exercise- Remember, if you do stretching exercise in cold muscles, it may hurt you. You can ask your personal trainer in Yorkville, Torontoto teach you a few warm-up exercises and do them before you start stretching. These warm-up exercises may include biking, jogging, skipping, or light walking.
  • Focus on the major muscle group- While stretching, focus on the major muscles groups such as shoulder, neck, lower back, hips, thighs, and calves. It would be best if you also stretched joints and muscles that you use routinely. Your personal trainer in Tribeca NYC will recommend you to stretch on both sides.
  • Hold your stretch- To enjoy the maximum benefit of stretching, hold your every stretch position for 30 seconds and breathe normally. In areas with a problem, you may be required to hold your stretch for about 60 seconds.
  • Don’t bounce- Stretching requires smooth movements and not bouncing. Bouncing while stretching can lead to muscles tightness and injury.

How motivation plays an important role in stretching or fitness?

Numerous personal trainer in Jersey City agrees that motivation works as a crucial element in fitness life. Motivation is the power that will help you to keep pushing forward on the days when you will want to quit. In the fitness world, discipline is very important, and motivation helps you to achieve that. There are days when you may want to skip stretching or your overall fitness routine; motivation will not let you do the same.

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