Weight Gain Program for Females: the Diet

For skinny girls gaining weight is not less than a challenge. Your metabolism becomes an obstacle in gaining extra healthy weight. To enjoy a quick and healthy weight gain, we recommend following a weight gain program for females.

A successful and effective weight gain for skinny women program consists of a workout session under the guidance of the best personal trainer and following a proper diet.

So, you have finally hired a personal trainer for strength training for women in Jersey City. But, what about your diet? Don’t worry! We got you covered. We bring you essential components that must be a part of your diet.


Including protein in your diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to gain weight. You must include protein-rich food such as pulses, beans, and dairy products into your meal.

Milk is a very rich source of protein. Expert recommends drinking one to two glasses of milk every day for skinny girls to gain weight.


Add healthy carbohydrates to your diet. The good carbohydrates sources include:
• Fresh fruits such as mango and banana
• Dry fruits
• Potatoes
• Multi-grain bread
• Brown rice
• Wheat bread

Fatty Food

It is equally important to indulge in fatty food to strength train workouts for skinny girls to gain weight.

We are not asking you to indulge in oily and processed fatty food. Include healthy and good fatty foods in your diet such as:
• Oily fish such as Mackerel and Tuna
• Avocados
• Meals prepared in sunflower oil and olive oil.
While including them in your meals, ensure that they are low in quantity.

Switch to Healthy Snacking

We all are guilty of midnight snacking. We often decide to entertain ourselves by finding something to munch on when bored.

We won’t ask you to stop snacking. However, we recommend switching to more healthy options. If you feel hungry between your meal times, a handful of nuts, an apple, or a glass of milk can be a healthy snack option.

We recommend switching your soda with a smoothie or 100% natural fresh fruit juice.

Must-Have Food Options

If you are planning to gain weight, there are some food options that you must include in your diet for quick and effective results. The food options that you must incorporate into your diet are:
• cheese
• Assorted nuts
• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Chicken
• Steaks
• Multi-grain bread
• Whole grains
• Pasta

The Bottom Lines

Who said you should only indulge in unhealthy, oily, and bad fat to gain weight? A combination of a well-planned diet and workout plan can do wonders for a skinny girl. Now that you know how to plan your meal to gain a healthy weight, it’s time to contact a personal trainer.

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