3 Essential Steps to Lose Weight and Build Muscle: How a Muscle Activation Program Can Transform Your Fitness Routine
Losing weight and building muscle takes three steps. Personal trainer Jersey city from Own Your Fitness uses a muscle activation workout program which activates stubborn dormant muscle fibers like your glute, hamstrings, upper and middle back and core muscles. These muscles are often dormant as most people sit behind a desk for work. These muscles are also much harder to activate or turn on by regular workouts like just plan old lifting.
Second, once these muscles that are activated help with speeding up your metabolism and changing your body composition the shape of your body. Women want to do strength training for reducing the weight in the belly and building their glutes. Just regular squats won’t work for this because too many of the important muscles are dormant. Thirdly, personal trainer Jersey city also uses a high protein and high fiber nutrition plan to offset the years of high carb and high sugar diet. These changes help with weight loss and muscle building in our twelve week personal training program. To lose twenty-thirty lbs contact Own Your Fitness personal training today in jersey city and in Tribeca.
Click here for more info: https://youtu.be/j2KVAkIQY-E?si=wrUEdaurUBSs-CF5
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