3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days!
After training women to lose weight and belly fat for 16 years as a personal trainer in Jersey city, Tribeca NYC, and online belly fat loss workouts for women I have focused in on 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days. These tips are-
- Caloric deficit- every woman we coached with our own your fitness online personal trainer programs http://online personal trainer we have used a gradual caloric reduction. And this is NOT a crash diet or a FAD but an actual way to gradually decrease the CALORIES YOU CONSUME AND REPLACE IT WITH LEAN PROTEIN AND VEGETABLES. In addition we also pushed their first meal by 2 hours. THIS IS A FORM OF INTERMITTENT FASTING. This has been highly effective for two reason:

A. When you push your first meal by two hours- you are NOT drastically changing your schedule but instead slightly altering your behavior patterns. Research has shown time and time again changing behavior patters is very hard when down cold turkey and which is why Diest don’t work. During this two hour window- back coffee, water, green tea, all is allowed except for no sugar, no milk, dairy of any sort. We put these women on a plan where they drank 4 cups of water from the time they wake up till their first meal. Example if your normal first meal is at 7 30 am before going to work, we pushed it to 9 30 to 10 am.

B. Next after giving the a plan to substitute their choice of meals from the white carbs to lean proteins and healthy fats and vegetables such as egg whites or whole eggs, avocado with a tea spoon of olive oil and seasoning and followed by any type of salad or roasted vegetables, like broccoli, asparagus- which as much as you want we – noticed it took about 4 days for their bodies to start getting use to it. We paired each meal followed with a choice of green tea or any choice of herbal tea with a little tea spoon of raw natural honey and plenty of instructed quantity of water. Our plans are personalized to the person and their lifestyle! If you want 3 tips to lose the belly fat program contact us today-
If you need help with planning out your meals and options to eat weather you are a vegetarian, Vegan, Non Vegetarian feel free to contact us and we can design a 30 day belly fat loss nutrition plan for you.
Go to the contact section and send us an email or call us at own your fitness at 646 653 4696
And we would shave off an hour an half from their last meal. For example- If their normal dinner time or last meal was at 8 pm, or 8 30 pm, we would stop the last meal at 7 30 pm. And continue with herbal tea and instructed water intake based on the client.

Next comes the MOST IMPORTANT PART- the right workout program and the right exercise selection and the way it should be done- here are the 3 tips for
3. We used 90 % resistance training and strength training programs and these come in gym version or home workout version. Lets talk about the gym version first and the types of exercises we used- in our 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days.
A. All muscle activating exercises burn the most # of calories for women and men. In order for 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days to work here are some Examples of these- are squats, lunges, pushups, seated rows. These types of exercise examples activate the highest number of muscle fibers in strength training exercises and spike up the metabolism your burn rate high for up to 36 hours. Meaning you workout for 25 minute with the intensity we coach you on you will be burning calories UP TO 36 HOURS longer in some cases.
Here is a sample workout video for belly fat loss-https://youtu.be/Hg8YyWPwZdo that can get you started with the right exercises and an example of what we use in our 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days.
This is in person session we did with our client who wanted to transform her body in Tribeca NYC 10007 with Own Your Fitness. The weighted squats, the pushups, the pulling exercises increased her muscle mass and increased her metabolism drastically!! In order for 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days we also used some os the same exercises as shown in this video- Given she had been working with us for some time and was already well aware of what we would do in the session to demonstrate the types of exercises. And in between the burpees we did put her in oxygen deficit further targeting her fat stores. But if you are a beginner let me show you what you can do at home-
- Body weight squats- Lower body muscle activation https://youtu.be/WdzT3jEyb-0 (beginner squat video)
- Modified pushups- Upper body muscle activation https://youtu.be/epm8FlaYp9U (beginner pushup video)
- Bridges- Glutes, Back of the legs activation https://ownyourfitness.net/glute-workouts/ ( this is an important topic as glute muscle is the largest muscle in the body and for belly fat loss the glute and the legs should be trained minimum 2/ week and increased to 3 week. We can help you design your home workouts for belly fat loss.
If you are looking to lose belly fat and transform your body contact us to book a strategy session and we can set you up with our 3 tips to lose belly fat in 14 days consultation and also with one of our 30 day or 60 day programs!https://ownyourfitness.net/online-personal-trainer-workout-programs/
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