The Similarity Between Motivation And Honeymoon Phase
What if I can teach you how to become more confident, more attractive, more successful in your personal and your business life in a snap of a finger? I have been studying motivation for the past 18 years helping busy professionals, working parents, entrepreneurs and CEOs and everyone else become more successful, motivated in shape and happier. I’m about to tell you the secret to motivation you see after studying years and years and years of fitness coaching mindset coaching psychology and leadership motivation.
I have come to understand how motivation works but let me begin with this next first before i arm you with the strategies on how to achieve and more so stay motivated you say like you all i’ve been in relationships as well and those of you who’ve been married are married or have been in loving long-term consistent relationships will soon understand why i’m bringing that up motivation has everything in common with your honeymoon i’m going to repeat this once again so careful motivation has everything in common with your honeymoon just like your honeymoon motivation in the beginning gives you butterflies in your stomach just like your honeymoon motivation at the beginning feels sexy and just like your honeymoon motivation in the beginning feels pumped but what happens next what happens in your relationship in your marriage when you no longer feel that butterfly when you no longer feel that intensity that emotion that the ball of web that you felt in right here in your core that got you to do things and get up you see motivation is a state and unfortunately it’s a state we either have to work on every day just like keeping a relationship or marriage alive or it’s something that you have to work on daily by understanding and developing rituals and strategies that you can do for yourself those of you who are blessed enough to be in happy relationships i ask you this question what is the secret to a long-term loving happy relationship do not answer that to me what is the secret?
Well i’m going to share my opinion of that with you it’s because you work on it every day it’s because you water that every day so it blossoms and just like that a personal trainer fitness coach mindset coach retired competitive martial artist 18 years in the industry i know what the secret to motivation is it is no different than keeping your relationship alive so having said that what do we do i’ll tell you what we’re gonna do what i recommend for my clients at own you fitness is the day you feel motivated that day commit to doing an act of love for yourself get down and drop and give me 20 push-ups get down and give me a drop and give me 20 squats make a call to a coach sign up ask your friend to hold you accountable join a gym get on a coaching program commit to yourself second ask someone whether it’s a coach personal trainer your mentor your best friend a partner in crime your spouse hold me accountable remind me why we’re in this together and by we i mean you on a relationship with yourself because ultimately that’s what motivation is about that’s what working on yourself is about a relationship with yourself ask a question if it was raining if you had a long day if you were tired would you quit your marriage your relationship you wouldn’t i ask you this now would you quit your journey with yourself of personal fitness mental and emotional transformation with yourself exactly so why not understand that motivation isn’t this whole magical thing like a magic pill i’m gonna swallow this pill i’m gonna stay motivated completely smooth journey without any interruptions you see when you understand that motivation or staying motivated comes with strategies like asking someone to hold you accountable working with a coach developing rituals and habits every day even though they may be just a minute or 10 minutes or 15 minutes push ups squats go for a walk whatever gets you to the goal of your desires develop rituals for that so in conclusion motivation is nothing and no different from your honeymoon how are you going to keep that alive and that is owning your fitness.
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