Strength Training Tips for Women Over 40: Jersey City & Tribeca Experts

Weight loss for women over forty is more challenging. Reason being the body changes and its metabolic rate slows down with age. A lot of this has to do with age related loss of muscle mass. Women who are over age thirty and who do cardio but don’t get the results they want with weight loss can benefit from strength training.

Personal trainer Jersey City and Tribeca from Own Your Fitness helps women with strength training and weight loss. Exercises such as single leg squats, pushups, and resistance bands is a good starting point for women who are new to strength training. Body weight exercises will help with building a foundation of strength and routine.

It will also help learn the form and prevent injuries. Once you have a strong foundation of good form and strength you can then add dumbbells to the exercises. For instance, Own Your Fitness personal trainer from Jersey city teaches stationary lunges and single leg squats with dumbbells. For your upper body after being able to do full regular pushups you can do overhead presses with dumbbells. These are examples of how to progress with your strength training and also drop body fat and lose weight.

Own Your fitness is the leading personal trainer for women and helps busy moms and professionals with sustainable fitness workout routines at home and in your home gym

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