Glute muscle is the most desired fitness workout programs. However this is the most misunderstood muscle. Most people squat to build and tone their glute muscle. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. YOU need a Glute activation program to turn on the glute muscle and then follow a carefully designed glute workout program to actually transform your glute and your body. We have a 100% guaranteed glute workout program we design and use for our personal trainer Jersey city and Tribeca program.
Glute workouts- This Is How To Tone Your Glutes
Own your fitness Glute workout program is founded on scientific principles
1. Determine what are the compensatory muscles that don’t allow the glute (butt) to fire.
2. Strategize how to address them by proper stretching and releasing technique.
3. Pair that by glute activation exercises first and then move to toning & building.
4. increase the load appropriately where 100% of the benefit is going towards the glue muscle and not the compensatory muscles.
5. Progress the program to start building lean muscle mass, to shape, tone and structure the desired look!
How we approach it?
You are an evolving being and therefore your training should constantly be evolving
Our coaches offer an expert programmed come to your residential gym or place of training in house with a designed workout concept tailored to your goals and needs equipped with what is needed for the workout to coach you.
Own Your Fitness personal trainer Jersey city guides and moves you along through out the workout program from day one and take care of everything. We also educate you to do home workouts as seen suitable to meet your goals faster and sooner.
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